Globalchillage-Tokyo Toyama Branch

in News

At the intersection of Namiki-bashi bridge in Shibuya, there was a mysterious space just off the basement.
Globalchillagetokyo, a record store for DJs.
It was 1998, I think.
It was established right after I met CCP.
The name we got from the title of our favorite Mixmaster Morris album.
There was an assortment of mainly ambient music there, and some people took the time to listen to it on the spot. CCP's clothing was also on sale, so some people bought it along with the wears.
It was an antenna store in the basement of Shibuya with a floor space of 7 tsubo (3.5 square meters), known to those in the know, but it closed due to water leakage from the curry shop on the upper floor as the building deteriorated.
We are happy when we hear from our customers that they are still wearing the same clothes they have worn since Globalchillage.

Time has passed since then, and Toolate sports in Toyama, a store that handles CCP, asked Kijima if we would like to open a record store or something as they were expanding their store. This led to the creation of Globalchillagetokyo Toyama store.

CDs and vinyls are mainly Kijima's personal items and treasures of his friends' DJs, plus new releases from Amsterdam.
In a word, you can't go wrong with this selection.
For us, it's a collection of great records that will make you cry with nostalgia.
The genres are wide ranging, from ambient to techno, trance, etc., and are carefully introduced.

What a surprise, the shop is in a Japanese-style room.
You can take off your shoes and listen to the music in a relaxed atmosphere. (I think, actually, I haven't visited yet.)
We also sell the Blueroom speakers MINIPOD and Orb.
CDs, vinyl, and speakers are all available on the Globalchillagetokyo website.

Kijima has brought his original T-shirts for the POP-UP store from today to the day after tomorrow.
Please take this opportunity to stop by the Globalchillagetokyo Toyama store!


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